Author Archives: Libsyn Interface

(Short) Aspiration

Fran Ludwig gives an encouragment talk, reminding us that an essential part of cultivating compassion is setting an aspiration for all beings to awaken. (July 20, 2022)

(Short) Nothing Holy

Julie Nelson gives an encouragement talk about where radiance appears in our daily lives. (July 15, 2022)

(Short) Self-Reproach

Fran Ludwig gives an encouragement talk about how recognizing our troublesome behaviors as just arisings can make it easier to work with them. (July 13, 2022)

Cultivated or Wild? (Redux)

Following the lively discussion on Saturday July 8 (see previous podcast) Julie Nelson gives a modified talk regarding the cultivated or deliberate side of our practice, the wild or liberating side, and the dangers that arise when either side is neglected. (July 12, 2022)

Cultivated or Wild?

Julie Nelson speaks about the cultivated or deliberate side of our practice, the wild or liberating side and the dangers that arise when either side is neglected. This talk was given on a Saturday, and Dharma Discussion begins at 18:00. (July 8, 2022)

(Short) Caring for Each Other

Julie Nelson gives an encouragement talk, addressing how we care for each other in the sangha. The book metioned is A Thousand Hands edited by N.J. Michon and D. C. Fisher. (July 8, 2022)

(Short) Love and Justice

Fran Ludwig gives an encouragement talk, discussing how we can hold people accountable in a compassionate way. (July 6, 2022)

Turning Toward as Refuge

Jeff Seul speaks about “taking refuge” as an opting-in (rather than –out), with reference to the GBZC Resilient Sangha Project. (July 2, 2022)

(Short) Great Determination

Fran Ludwig gives an encouragement talk about how great determination is an essential part of waking up to our heart of compassion. (June 29, 2022)