Why Be a Member?

Do you consider GBZC to be your Zen home? Do you take an interest in this sangha’s survival and flourishing, even if you aren’t able to make it to many events?

If either of these is true, please consider formally joining. Members determine the direction of our distinctively sangha-led sangha through participation in the annual meeting that is held every summer. As we are able, we also lead practice periods and discussions, serve on the elected board, or participate in leadership through Working Groups or Task Forces. 

We each set our own financial contribution in our membership pledge, at a level we can afford and with no set minimum. As we are an all-volunteer organization, our contributions go towards paying rent on our physical zendo, paying for internet accounts to support our zoom offerings, and maintaining our website with its rich resources, including the Resilient Sangha Project.

Your membership and active participation would be invaluable!

For application and payment instructions, see How to Join.