

Please note that GBZC loses about 3% of your donation to fees if you choose to pay by credit card using the method above, 2% if you pay using a PayPal account, and less than 1% if you pay by ACH (bank transfer). 

While you may make general donations to support GBZC using any method on this page, we prefer that most donations be made online. (Why?) If you are submitting payment for a specific purpose (e.g., membership pledge, sesshin registration, class fee, etc.) we ask you to please use the payment instructions on the related webpage, if possible. If not possible, please send a memo to the GBZC treasurer at describing the purpose of your gift.

Other Ways to Give              

  • Cash Gifts: Cash may be placed in the dana box or bowl at any in-person sit or event.  
  • Checks payable to GBZC can be placed in any dana box or bowl or mailed to GBZC, 552 Massachusetts Ave, #208, Cambridge, MA 02139.
  • Automatic Monthly Payment From Your Bank. Schedule a monthly donation to be sent to the address above.
  • PayPal Giving Fund. Gifts made this way incur no fees, but may take up to 45 days to be credited to GBZC. If your donation is time-sensitive please use another method. 

More Innovative Ways to Give

  • Gifts of Stock: Appreciated securities may be donated to GBZC. You pay no capital gains on the appreciated value, GBZC gets the entire value of the donated stock, and you may take a tax deduction for the full value of  the donation. A win-win! The GBZC Treasurer ( can give you more information about this 
  • Qualified Charitable Deduction From a Retirement Account:  If you are 701/2 or older, you may donate up to $100,000 from your IRA tax free, and GBZC receives the full untaxed amount.  This is a great way to direct your tax dollars to something that you care deeply about.  

Gifts Made Upon Your Death

Including GBZC in your estate plans can extend your support even after your death.  While individual situations vary, this type of legacy giving can be fairly easy to set up.  Some possibilities include: 

  • Bequest in Your Will: Leave GBZC a specific asset, dollar amount, percentage of your estate, or balance of your estate after taxes, expenses and other bequests.Your donation is fully deductible for estate tax purposes.
  • Gifts of Life Insurance: Name GBZC as a beneficiary (perhaps one of several) on an existing policy. Or donate a policy to GBZC, receiving a tax deduction for the cash value of the policy.
  • Naming GBZC as a Beneficiary of a Retirement Plan or IRA: Estate and income taxes can claim up to 70% of the original value of the IRA asset when given to heirs.  GBZC is not subject to estate or income taxes and receives the full value of the asset. GBZC can be one of several named beneficiaries. (See EIN/TIN below.)

Let Your Gift Do Double Duty

  • Gifts of Recognition and Celebration: Consider making a gift to GBZC in memory, in honor or in celebration of someone who has touched your life in a special way.  You can request that an email be sent to the recipient to let them know that you’ve honored them with a gift to GBZC. 

Using All the Ingredients of Your Life

  • In-Kind Donations:  Consider donating your time or talents to help us further the work of GBZC.  Check with a Practice Leader or Board Member to let them know what you’d like to do, or to find out what the current needs may be.  

Mailing Address:

552 Massachusetts Ave, #208
Cambridge, MA 02139

EIN/TIN: 45-5047402

Your donations are tax-deductible