Category Archives: Audio

Zen Forms – Audio

Here is the audio recording from the first in a series of talks presented by Sensei Josh Bartok on our Zen forms as practised here at the Greater Boston Zen Center.

Path of Boundless Compassion by Mark Unno

Here are the audio recordings made during Mark Unno’s day long event on Saturday, April 26th 2014.

Early morning:

Late morning:

Lunch discussion:

Early afternoon:

Late afternoon:

Those who greatly realize delusion are buddhas

A talk by Josh Bartok on part of a text written by Shohaku Okumura “Those Who Greatly Realize Delusion are Buddhas—Guidance in Zazen”

No matter how hard we practice, our motivation for practice is
always based in some amount of self-centeredness. The act of truly
seeing this self-centeredness is itself Buddha. To awaken to the reality
of our delusion is itself Buddha.

To realize delusion is to be a buddha. Awakening to the incompleteness
of our practice and returning to our path is the meaning of repentance,
of atonement.
