Aspects of Zen

GBZC is now offering an “Aspects of Zen” series, meeting online monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 7-8:30 pm.

The next session of our Aspects of Zen series is entitled “Zen in Everyday Life” and will take place online on Wednesday June 12 from 7-8:30pm. This session will be facilitated by Cheryl Morrow (GBZC member and board member), assisted by Julie Nelson (GBZC member).

Please register here so we know you are coming. The suggested donation is $15 per session, but please don’t let money issues keep you away! You will receive the zoom link upon registration or can find it on the GBZC Calendar. Future topics may include our liturgy, our GBZC history, living Zen in the world, ethics, and/or questions that may come up in Dharma Discussions during our Tuesday evening or Saturday morning practice periods. Leaders (or co-leaders) will be GBZC members who have experience with a topic and want to share it.

Questions? Ideas for topics? Interested in leading a session? Contact [email protected].