All-day Sit (Zazenkai)

“We can’t do it by ourselves, and no one else can do it for us.”
GBZC Sutra Book

A powerful way to more deeply explore your practice is to attend a zazenkai, an all-day sit.  You are always welcome to attend for any portion of an all-day sit, as suits your schedule. The retreat includes liturgy, dokusan/interviews, zazen, walking meditation, a Dharma talk with discussion,  and a period of meal/rest/study practice.


TBA (The most recent was on  April 8, 2023.)   

If you have any questions, email

Suggested Donations:

  • Non-members: $40 for the full day; $20 for half day. Please put “zazenkai” in the notes field if donating through the  virtual dana box
  • GBZC members: Please keep the above in mind when making (or adding to) your regular membership donation. 
  • Please never let money keep you away. All are welcome, regardless of means. Yet because it costs money to run the Zen Center, we do ask that everyone make a contribution in some amount to our shared work, as you are able.